Joyful Bouquet with 6 Birthday Brownie Pops
This mixed bouquet is sure to impress! It is crafted from our ever popular Stargazer lilies and blue iris, and is a spectacular way to celebrate a birthday! You won't find this at your supermarket or in your florist's cooler: flowers this fresh and vibrant are only at ProFlowers. And to make this gift extra festive, we've paired it with a half dozen of our Birthday Brownie Pops! It will be the happiest of birthdays when these fudgy chocolate goodies arrive at their door. Decorated like mini chocolate cupcakes, we topped them with colorful frosting and rainbow sprinkles. We've even included a candle in each pop, so they can celebrate with a special wish each time they enjoy these irresistible treats.
- Joyful Bouquet
- 3 stems of Stargazer lilies (2-4 blooms per stem)
- 10 blue iris
- Stands approximately 20" tall
- 6 Birthday Brownie Pops
- 1 Coral Cupcake Brownie Pop
- 1 Pink Cupcake Brownie Pop
- 1 Teal Cupcake Brownie Pop
- 2 White Cupcake Brownie Pops
- 1 Yellow Cupcake Brownie Pop
- Each Brownie Pop includes a white candle
- Both gifts will arrive together in our exclusive gift box
- Ships in custom ProFlowers packaging and gift box. Details
- Item #30239088
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